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The NTG is a national 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization focused on advocating for the needs of aging adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are at risk of or who have been affected by Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. We do this through promoting services and support for individuals with intellectual disabilities impacted by dementia and their caregivers. The NTG produces materials such as practice guidelines and screening tools, provides training and educational resources, offers an online family caregiver support group, and provides technical assistance to organizations and agencies wishing to improve their ability to care for this aging population.

Welcome to The NTG

Website Redesign underway -please bear with us!

Elderly woman in wheelchair with family member
Elderly woman posing for photo with family member

Family Caregivers

Information for family caregivers.

Professionals in a meeting


Information for health care and service providers.

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NTG’s Early Detection Screen for Dementia (NTG-EDSD)

The NTG-EDSD is a screening tool used to develop a baseline in adults with IDD used to track changes in function that could indicate the onset of dementia. The NTG-EDSD is designed to be completed by family caregivers and staff at local agencies and organizations.


Purpose of the NTG

Our mission is to advocate for services and supports for people with intellectual disability who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease and dementias and for their families.

Faded background of people at a training seminar


Professional Training and Workshops

NTG Partners and Collaborators

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NTG Circle from Logo

In the News

Featured NTG News and Events

Featured News

Special Olympics Inclusive Health Initiative Grant Project

The NTG is actively undertaking a grant-funded project to provide training/education and technical assistance on intellectual disability and dementia in alignment with CMS' new GUIDE Model initiative. Project details...

Project ECHO Series on Dementia and Intellectual Disability - Registration is Open!

The NTG and URI/VCU GWEPs have announced our 10th series of ECHO programs on topics related to intellectual disability and dementia. The URI/VCU/NTG ECHO 2025 series runs from April 21 - June 16. Program details...

Publications Library

”We maintain a large library of publications and research related to aging, intellectual disabilities, and dementia. Please visit our Publication Library page to filter information into categories that interest you.

Featured NTG Publications

click on image to open PDF

Get Involved

Join the NTG

Help support the NTG's mission and activities by becoming a dues paying member.

NTG members receive exclusive benefits, including:

  • discounted registration for workshops & webinars

  • networking opportunities

  • free informational services

  • leadership opportunities

  • corporate travel discounts

  • access to HELEN:Human Exceptionality journal

  • more information

Individual and Organizational Memberships Available!

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