About the NTG
The ‘NTG’ is a not-for-profit organization charged with ensuring that the interests of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of dementia – as well as their families and friends – are taken into account.
The NTG's overall mission is to advocate for services and supports for people with intellectual disability and their families who are affected by Alzheimer's disease and dementias.
We produce materials related to dementia, including practice guidelines, screening tools, education and training curricula and workshops, agency and family-based information, and other technical materials – as well as provide technical assistance.
The NTG is a non-for-profit organization which collaborates with various national associations, organizations, and university centers.
member of LEAD - Leaders Engaged on Alzheimer's Disease (a Washington-based coalition working to focus attention on Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders)
member of NIH's Down Syndrome Consortium (which includes DS-Connect®)
member of FoNIA - the Friends of the National Institute on Aging.
past membership on the NAPA Federal Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services.
in a cooperative agreement with the NDSS, National Down Syndrome Society
affiliated with the AADMD - the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry
in affiliation with the Canadian Consortium / NTG Canada
“I can think of no other disease that has such a profound effect on loss of function, loss of independence, and the need for care. I can think of no other disease so deeply dreaded by anyone who wants to age gracefully and with dignity. I can think of no other disease that places such a heavy burden on families, communities, and societies. I can think of no other disease where innovation, including breakthrough discoveries to develop a cure, is so badly needed.”
Dr. Margaret Chan
Director-General World Health Organization
NTG's Strategic Plan 2023-2024
The mission of the NTG is to advocate for services and support for people with intellectual disability who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease and dementias and for their families. The Board of Directors, at its January 2023 meeting, approved a Strategic Plan consisting of seven priority areas for 2023-24.
The seven priority areas include:
Services and Support
Fund Development
Communications and Marketing
Health and Research
Advocacy and Public Policy
