Acerca de la NTG
Grupo de Trabajo Nacional
El Grupo Nacional de Trabajo sobre Discapacidades Intelectuales y Prácticas de Demencia es una corporación sin fines de lucro 501(3)(c) exenta de impuestos y con licencia para solicitudes caritativas bajo las leyes del Estado de Maine.
El NTG está gobernado por una Junta Directiva y tiene un Órgano Asesor subsidiario, compuesto por miembros asociados del NTG, y un Panel Consultivo Científico. Su misión es abogar por servicios y apoyos para personas con discapacidad intelectual y sus familias afectadas por la enfermedad de Alzheimer y demencias.
NTG Leadership
Oficiales de NTG
Copresidente: Matthew P. Janicki
Copresidente: Seth M. Keller
Vicepresidenta: Kathleen Bishop
Vicepresidenta: Kathryn Pears
Tesorero: Ley Linder
Secretaria: Kathryn Service
Our Staff

Kathryn Pears, MPPM
Chief Operations Officer
Ms. Pears has been professionally involved in the field of dementia for over 30 years and served as the Director of Programs and Policy for the Alzheimer's Association's Maine Chapter. She previously served on the NTG's Steering Committee and Board of Directors.
Junta Directiva de NTG
Consejeros de los Consejos Federales
Rick Rader, MD - Consejo Nacional sobre Discapacidad
Mateo P. Janicki, Ph.D. - Consejo Asesor sobre Investigación, Atención y Servicios de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer
Panel Consultivo Científico de NTG
Lucille Esralew, Ph.D. Departamento de Servicios de Desarrollo de California, Sacramento, CA - PRESIDENTE
Brian Chicoine, MD, Centro de Síndrome de Down para Adultos, Hospital General Luterano, Park Ridge, IL
Matthew P. Janicki, Ph.D., Universidad de Illinois en Chicago
James Hendrix, PhD, Denver, Colorado
Julie Moran, DO, Tewksbury Hospital e instructora de medicina en Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
Micheal Rafii, MD, Ph.D., Escuela de Medicina Keck, Universidad del Sur de California, Los Ángeles, CA
Shahin Shooshtari, Ph.D., Universidad de Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canadá
Karen Watchman, Ph.D., Universidad de Stirling, Escocia
Otros nombramientos de panel están actualmente en proceso
NTG Committees
NTG Committees are involved in a variety of NTG affairs, both internally and externally. Committee membership is limited to active NTG members.
If you are a NTG member and wish to become involved with a committee and its activities, please contact the Committee Chair via the Contact Us Link on this website or drop an email to our Director of Operations
Applied Research & Clinical Health Committee
Lucille Esralew, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Kathryn Service, FNP-BC, RN (Co-Chair)
Education Committee
Kathleen Bishop, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Family Supports Committee
Marianne Barbera, M.S. (Chair)
International Affairs Committee
Nancy S. Jokinen, Ph.D. (Chair)
Medical Advisory Committee
Seth M. Keller, M.D. (Chair)
Nominations Committee*
Dawna T. Mughal, Ph.D., RDA (Chair)
Public Policy Committee
Matthew P. Janicki, Ph.D. (Chair)
Scientific Consultative Panel
Lucille Esralew, Ph.D. (Chair)
Conference Planning Committee
Seth M. Keller, M.D. (Chair)
Executive Committee*
Matthew P. Janicki, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Seth M. Keller, M.D. (Co-Chair)
Finance Committee*
Helen Stepowany, M.S. (Chair)
Marketing Committee
Colleen Hatcher, M.Ed. (Chair)
Membership Committee
Christina Marsack-Topolewski, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Jackie McGinley, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
Personnel Committee*
Nancy Murray, M.S. (Chair)
Quality Improvement and Analytics Committee
Adel Herge, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA (Co-Chair)
Helen E. Stepowany, M.S. (Co-Chair)
Strategic Planning Committee
Helen E. Stepowany, M.S. (Chair)
*Denotes statutory committee, Board members only
NTG Stakeholders Advisory Body
The NTG Stakeholders Advisory Body is chartered under the corporate by-laws of the NTG. Its purpose to provide advice and counsel on matters related to programs, services, education, advocacy, and the development of technical and informational materials associated with the NTG's mission. The Advisory Body is composed of NTG members who meeting on an ad hoc basis, when convened by the chairs.
NTG members interested in joining the Advisory Body on an on-going or ad hoc basis are invited to correspond with the Body's co-chair, Dr. Kathleen Bishop.
Ex miembros de la junta
Paula Gann (CA) 2020-2021
Jadene Ransdell (FL) 2020-2022
Nicole Cadovius (CT) 2020-2022
Marissa Parnell (NC) 2020-2022
De 2011 a 2020, el NTG fue administrado por un comité directivo compuesto por los siguientes miembros del NTG:
Kathleen Bishop, Ph.D. (Nueva York/Florida)
Nicole Cadovius, MBA (CT)
Melissa Disipio, MSW (PA)
Lucille Esralew, Ph.D. (CA)
Lawrence T. Force, Ph.D. (Nueva York)
Paula Gann (CA)
Andrew Griffin, Ph.D. (TX)
Rachel Grimm (DC)
Ashley Helsing (DC)
Adel Hergé, Ph.D. (PENSILVANIA)
Mary Hogan, MAT (YO)
Mateo P. Janicki, Ph.D. (Copresidente) (ME)
Nancy Jokinen, Ph.D. (BC)
Seth M. Keller, MD (Copresidente) (NJ)
Ronald Lucchino, Ph.D. (NM)
Christina Marsack-Topolewski, Ph.D. (MI)
Philip McCallion, Ph.D. (PA)
Julie Moran, DO (MA)
Dawna Torres Mughal, Ph.D. (PA)
Leone Murphy, MSW (Nueva Jersey)
Melissa Parnell, Ph.D. (NC)
Kathryn Pears, MPPM (SC)
Rick Rader, MD (TN)
Mike Rafii, MD (CA)
Jadene Ransdell (Florida)
Servicio Kathy, FNP (MA)
Baldev Singh, MD (Nueva York)
Kathy Srsic-Stoehr, MSN (VA)
Helen Stepowany, MS (Nueva York)