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Acerca de la NTG

Cuidar de un ser querido que tiene síndrome de Down y Alzheimer u otra demencia puede ser uno de los mayores desafíos a los que nos enfrentamos. 

¡No tenemos que hacerlo solos! 

Webinars and Recorded Events


Process of Aging

Presenter: Mary Stephens, MD, MPH, FAAFP, FAADM

Early Screening for Cognitive Changes
Presenter: Michael May, Ed.D, BCBA, LPC, LBS, NADD-CC

Life Planning for Different Phases of the Life Journey
Presenter: Brittany Goodrich, B.S.

Behavioral Changes that Occur with Aging & Dementia
Presenter: Katie Frank, PhD, OTR/L

Family Panel - Sharing Personal Experiences
Presenters: Hut Beall, B.A., MLS
Sharon Trocki-Miller, M.Ed
Leone Murphy, A.P.N., B.C.

Cognitive Losses and Holiday Celebrations

Holiday and other celebrations, while often joyful and fun, can also be stressful and confusing for individuals with cognitive losses, family members, and care staff. We will look at factors that influence these situations, and focus on understanding strategies to improve the experience for all involved.

NTG Defensores de las necesidades de las familias

Jadene Ransdell Provides Public Comment at NAPA Federal Council Meeting

Jadene Ransdell, former NTG Board member and parent advocate with the NDSS, spoke at the quarterly meeting of the federal Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services (the "NAPA Council") on January 31, 2023.  During the Public Comment period she gave an eloquent plea for more attention on supporting caregivers and establishing sound diagnostic resources to ascertain the presence of dementia in adults with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities. Ms. Ransdell noted that "correctly diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease in an individual with Down syndrome requires a specialized knowledge of this population, and there is a shortage of clinicians who have the requisite skills, knowledge, and experience.... Therefore, I encourage you to work with Down syndrome organizations ... to support the creation of diagnostic tools that could provide an accurate assessment and evaluation of individuals with Down syndrome who are showing signs of cognitive decline, and provide adults with Down syndrome access to adequate clinical care to ensure an accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease."

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Click on image to read full text

NTG Defensores de las necesidades de las familias

Bill and Mary Hogan
Online Family Support Group

1st Thursday of Every Month

There are many families who are accompanying their loved one with Down Syndrome or other Intellectual Disability on the Alzheimer's (Dementia) journey.


It can feel like a lonely path, but it doesn't have to. Join other family caregivers in regularly scheduled online meetings to discuss your concerns, to share your fears, your joys, and to learn. 

For more information about the online support group or how to join the monthly meetings please email

Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's/Down Syndrome Regression Support

Private Facebook Group

This is a support group for families of people who have a primary diagnosis of Down syndrome with an additional diagnosis of Alzheimer's or Down Syndrome Regression.


This group was created to provide a safe environment for families and those who care for, support and love people with Down syndrome who are experiencing a loss of skills, significant difficult behavior, or other health issues as a result of Alzheimer's or Down Syndrome Regression.


To be considered for membership in this group, anyone requesting membership must thoroughly answer the three questions listed. The administrators of the group reserve the right to decline membership to anyone who has not answered the questions with enough information to ensure the group is a good fit.

Click here to join the Facebook group (not affiliated with The NTG).

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NTG Defensores de las necesidades de las familias

Grupo de trabajo de apoyo familiar

El NTG está comprometido con los cuidadores familiares, así como con los profesionales de servicio directo, que apoyan a las personas con discapacidad intelectual y demencia. Reconocemos que muchos miembros de la familia brindan atención diaria directa a su ser querido, mientras que otros están involucrados indirectamente. No importa cómo brinde atención, el trabajo que hacemos es en apoyo de todos los cuidadores familiares.


El Grupo de Trabajo de Apoyo Familiar:

Para obtener más información sobre las actividades de apoyo familiar de NTG, comuníquese con

NTG's Family Support Committee

A message from the Chair

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome five new members to the NTG's Family Support Committee. Colleen Hatcher (Chief of Staff at NDSS) and Nancy Murray (parent and Senior Vice President of ACHIEVA and President The Arc of Greater Pittsburgh at ACHIEVA) are two new board members who have joined us.  We also welcome three members from our NTG member family. They are Brooke Heinrich (a sibling and member of the monthly virtual Family Support Group), and Marianne Iverson (Director of Teen & Adult Services of Down Syndrome Connection of the Bay Area), and Mary Merriman (a member of the monthly virtual Family Support Group and a sibling).

We welcome their involvement and leadership and look forward to working together with the common goal of helping families who have a loved one with an intellectual disability and cognitive decline/dementia.

Marianne Barbera

Committee Chair


NTG Defensores de las necesidades de las familias

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What is Alzheimer's disease?

Some quick reads...

Simply put, Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, irreversible brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and language skills. Over time, people living with Alzheimer’s disease may become unable to carry out daily activities.  Many adults with Down syndrome are at particular risk for this brain disease.

Some useful resources that are available from the federal government...

US Food & Drug Administration's 'Alzheimer's Disease'

National Institute on Aging's 'Alzheimer's Disease & Related Dementias'

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 'Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias'

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DSMIG-USA Initiates ECHO Program for Practitioners Aiding Families

To see schedule

Many families who don’t have access to a Down Syndrome clinic reach out to members of the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group-USA (DSMIG) seeking expert health care for their loved one with Down syndrome. Often they find that their health providers do not have knowledge of the specific health care needs of individuals with Down syndrome. In response to that need, DSMIG-USA has developing a variety of means to share information and to support providers in caring for children and adults with Down syndrome, one is an internet ECHO series.  This series permits the ready exchange of information as well as a discussion among experts and participants. 

DSMIG has opened its ECHO series to clinicians who have people with Down syndrome as primary care patients in April 2023. The series is designed to help families draw their primary care practitioner (PCP) onto the ECHO so that he/she will become familiar with the health issues of people with Down syndrome. The goal is to use the 'all teach, all learn' ECHO model to increase knowledge of the health and medical care of people with Down syndrome, and to participate in a virtual knowledge-sharing community. DSMIG is asking families to let their PCP know of the ECHO series and ask them to participate.

For more information and registration:

For questions please contact Emilie Perkins .

NTG-EDSD sample page
Screening & Assessment Resources


The NTG developed the NTG-Early Detection Screen for Dementia (NTG-EDSD), available worldwide, which was designed in response to requests by families, caregivers, and agencies for a tool useful to record observations of changes in function.  It can be used by anyone, family, or others.  The NTG-EDSD does not diagnose dementia but is helpful to collecting information for those pertinent discussions with a physician and for person-centered dementia care planning by families and other care providers. 

A highly informative article in Exceptional Parent, by Dr. Craig Escudé titled, 'Dementia and Intellectual Disabilities', offers an inside view of how family members can use the NTG-EDSD.  He notes that "Dementia can be a pretty scary thing for anyone. For people with disabilities, changes or a decline in cognitive functioning can be quite challenging to recognize, specially in people who do not use words to communicate."  To read his informative explanation on using the NTG-EDSD, click here.

For more information on our webnsite, go to our NTG-EDSD page.

Family Caregiver Resources

Family Caregiver Publications and News

The NTG has compiled a list of publications and news articles that are helpful to family caregivers

To browse through this list, go to our Family Caregiver Resources page.

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Additional Resources

Full Library of Publications

The NTG has compiled a full library of publications concerning Alzheimer's or other dementias as they relate to adults with intellectual disabilities

To browse through our library, go to our Publications page.

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Crear un círculo virtual de amigos

Entrenamiento gratuito de Empowering Ability

Empowering Ability ha creado sobre cómo usar la tecnología para desarrollar un "círculo virtual de amigos" durante este tiempo de distanciamiento social y aislamiento.  Un círculo virtual es un grupo de 6 a 8 personas que están en la vida de una persona, que quiere estar conectada virtualmente todas las semanas, mientras que la distancia física es una barrera para la conexión en persona. Un círculo virtual brinda conexión social diaria, elimina la soledad y profundiza las relaciones. Esta capacitación es gratuita y consta de 5 lecciones en video y un libro de trabajo en PDF de 10 páginas.  Obtenga la capacitación gratuita.

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The Helen Journal

Magazine for Human  Services and People Issues

Helen: The Journal of Human Exceptionality is a magazine published as a resource for parents and clinicians regarding people with disabilities for inclusive health. It includes helpful articles, advice, and tools to advocate for your loved one. Articles range on a variety of topics, including aging.  Go to the Helen site to read or download an issue.

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Boletin informativo

Noticias y artículos de especial interés para los cuidadores familiares.

Nuestro boletín informativo para cuidadores se publica varias  veces al año y contiene artículos y recursos de especial interés para los cuidadores familiares.

Los artículos cubren una variedad de temas y problemas sobre los que las familias necesitan información actualizada, como investigación, administración de la atención, recursos y mucho más.

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