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Looking for the NTG/URI/VCU ECHO Spring series?

Calendario de seminarios web de NTG

Dementia Capable Care, Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (IDD), and
Adult Day Services - 2025

This FREE webinar series is intended to increase adult day service providers knowledge and skills in providing dementia-capable services to aging adults with IDD. As adults with IDD age, they share many of the same challenges as adults in the general aging population, but also have many unique challenges related to their underlying IDD. A total of 9 webinars will be offered over the coming months. Topics for 2025 are being finalized.  Register once for the full series. 

Why Attend?
•    Gain important insights from experts in the field of aging, IDD, and dementia
•    Learn practical strategies to enhance care services
•    Access valuable IDD and dementia resources to support your program

Registration Information: There is no charge for this event but you must register to receive Zoom login in advance of each session. You only need to register once for full series of 9 sessions.
•       Cost:  FREE!
•      How to Register:
•       Contact Us: For questions, email 
•       All sessions run for 60 minutes and start at:                          
12:00 noon PT    1:00 pm MT    2:00 PM CT    3:00 PM ET

Ver seminarios web de NTG anteriores

Webinar Series for Families... on Aging, Dementia, & ID

NTG Family

Webinar Series

Session 1: The Aging Process

Session 2: Early Screening for Cognitive Changes

Session 3: Life Planning for Phases of the Life Journey

Session 4: Behavioral Changes Occurring with Dementia

Session 5: Family Panel - Sharing Personal Experiences

The NTG's Family Support Program provides a twice yearly informative webinar series on dementia and intellectual disabilities. The series provides key information for families, people with intellectual disability, and others within their support networks concerned about aging/dementia.

The webinars are offered at no cost

Information about our Fall series will be posted by late-Summer.


Vea el seminario web de diciembre de 2021 de NTG:


Comprender el envejecimiento y la demencia en adultos con discapacidades intelectuales


patrocinado por ONEgeneration. 

NTG Canada Logo.png

NTG Canadá 24 de noviembre de 2020


Síndrome de Down y Alzheimer:  La historia de Ken


El consorcio canadiense NTG con el apoyo de Reina, una organización que apoya a las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y sus familias en el sur de Ontario, organizó su primer seminario web el 24/11/2020, con la participación del famoso autor Diana Frizzell.

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