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À propos du GNT

What is the NTG-EDSD?

The NTG released the NTG-Early Detection Screen for Dementia (NTG-EDSD) which was developed in response to requests by family caregivers and agencies for a tool useful to record observations of changes in function.

The NTG-EDSD is used in starting that critical conversation with (and among) clinical personnel as to whether their observations merit more explicit assessment for MCI or dementia or -- alternatively – signal behaviors that may be amenable to intervention and remediation. 

NTG - Détection précoce et dépistage de la démence

EDSD Manual1.png

Qu'est-ce que le NTG-EDSD ?

Le NTG a publié le NTG-Early Detection Screen for Dementia (NTG-EDSD) qui a été développé en réponse aux demandes des aidants familiaux et des agences pour un outil utile pour enregistrer les observations des changements de fonction.


Le NTG-EDSD est utilisé pour démarrer cette conversation critique avec (et parmi) le personnel clinique pour savoir si leurs observations méritent une évaluation plus explicite pour le MCI ou la démence ou - alternativement - signalent des comportements qui peuvent se prêter à une intervention et à une remédiation._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


Le NTG-EDSD, un outil de dépistage administratif, est utile dans le cadre des informations recueillies dans le cadre de la visite annuelle de bien-être et de l'évaluation des troubles cognitifs de la Loi sur les soins abordables.Le NTG-EDSD a été reconnu comme un outil utile de dépistage des symptômes ou des indicateurs de démence dans les lignes directrices émises par le Medical Care Guidelines for Adults with Down Syndrome Workgroup et publiées dansJAMA[2020, 324(15),1543-1556].  Il a également été trouvé utile dans les études sur les troubles cognitifs légers - voir Silverman et al., 2021 (JARID, doi : 10.1111/jar.12849)


Le NTG-EDSD est également utile pour les discussions collectives et la planification des soins de démence impliquant les familles et les prestataires de soins. , explique sa base et comment il peut être appliqué via un ensemble de diapositives informatives. Cliquez icito accéder à sa présentation.


Les informations spécialisées fournies par le NTG-EDSD peuvent aider les praticiens communautaires lors de l'examen et de l'évaluation des adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Le NTG-EDSD est conçu pour être rempli par les aidants familiaux et le personnel des agences et organisations locales. 

Note: The EDSD has been slightly modified as of May 2024 to eliminate the IQ range scores due a change in the range intervals; the current form only shows the IQ categories.

Physician's Quick Guide for Using the NTG-EDSD

Cover of MD sheet on NTGEDSD_edited.jpg

Download the one-pager PDF by clicking on the image to the left.

Quick Guide for Using the NTG-EDSD by Families

Staff Guide to EDSD_edited.jpg

Download the one-pager PDF by clicking on the image to the left.

Quick Guide for Using the NTG-EDSD by Staff

Staff Guide to EDSD_edited.jpg

Download the one-pager PDF by clicking on the image to the left.

Flyers/Posters on the NTG-EDSD from the Canadian Consortium


for staff


for families

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for adults with ID


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Manuels NTG-EDSD
Manuel en anglais
Manuel français
Manuel italien
Manuel espagnol
Liens vers les pages Web NTG-EDSD

  Programme HealthMatters
Ateliers/Formations sur le NTG-EDSD

Un certain nombre d'organisations ont choisi d'utiliser le NTG-EDSD pour le dépistage administratif et permettre au personnel d'élaborer des plans de soins de la démence. Eux, ou leurs partenaires administratifs, ont organisé une formation pour renforcer les capacités du personnel et des soignants à utiliser le NTG-EDSD pour le dépistage et la planification des soins. Voici quelques exemples de telles formations.

Wisc Workshop-NTG-EDSD.png

Wisconsin Alzheimer Institute à l'Université du Wisconsin

Dépistage de la démence chez les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle

Tenu le 16 janvier 2019


Organismes caritatifs catholiques Hawaï

Détection précoce des changements associés au déclin cognitif chez les adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle et développementale

Tenu le 12 mars 2020

Esralew PPT re NTG EDSD CNANJ_edited.jpg

Accès communautaire illimité (CAUNJ), Elizabeth,New Jersey

Écran de détection précoce du groupe de travail national pour la démence (NTG-EDSD)

Présentation par Lucy Esralew, Ph.D.

Tenu en juillet 2019

  Natl_Task_Force-Early_Detection_Dementia_PPT-1.pdf (

Articles et publications du NTG-EDSD
AAIC 2020 Poster on NTG-EDSD

AAIC 2020 Poster on NTG-EDSD

Conference poster

Cognitive Functioning Differences Between Physically Active and Sedentary Older Adults

Cognitive Functioning Differences Between Physically Active and Sedentary Older Adults

Journal article

Community Care and Supports for People with Intellectual Disabilities Affected by Dementia

Community Care and Supports for People with Intellectual Disabilities Affected by Dementia

Resource document

DEMENZ Article on NTG-EDSD (in German)

DEMENZ Article on NTG-EDSD (in German)

Journal article

Dalton Protocol for Recording Baseline Information

Dalton Protocol for Recording Baseline Information

Instrument guide

Dementia Diagnosis and Healthcare Pathway for People with a Learning Disability

Dementia Diagnosis and Healthcare Pathway for People with a Learning Disability

Guideline document

Dementia and Intellectual Disabilities

Dementia and Intellectual Disabilities

Magazine article

Dementia and People with Intellectual Disabilities: Guidance on the Assessment, Diagnosis, Interventions and Support of People with Intellectual Disabilities Who Develop Dementia

Dementia and People with Intellectual Disabilities: Guidance on the Assessment, Diagnosis, Interventions and Support of People with Intellectual Disabilities Who Develop Dementia

Resource document

Effectively training professional caregivers to screen and refer persons with dementia and intellectual disability

Effectively training professional caregivers to screen and refer persons with dementia and intellectual disability


Effectively training professional caregivers to screen and refer persons with dementia and intellectual/developmental disability

Effectively training professional caregivers to screen and refer persons with dementia and intellectual/developmental disability

Journal article

Evaluation of National Task Group-Early Detection Screen for Dementia: Sensitivity to 'mild cognitive impairment' in Adults with Down Syndrome

Evaluation of National Task Group-Early Detection Screen for Dementia: Sensitivity to 'mild cognitive impairment' in Adults with Down Syndrome

Journal Article

Evaluation of the National Task Group-Early Detection Screen for Dementia: Sensitivity to 'Mild Cognitive Impairment' in Adults with Down Syndrome

Evaluation of the National Task Group-Early Detection Screen for Dementia: Sensitivity to 'Mild Cognitive Impairment' in Adults with Down Syndrome

Journal article

Future Planning Guidebook for Older Caregivers of Adults with  Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Future Planning Guidebook for Older Caregivers of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Resource Booklet

Importance in Overall Health in Adults with Intellectual Disability and Dementia

Importance in Overall Health in Adults with Intellectual Disability and Dementia

Educational Presentation

Informant-based Assessment Instruments for Dementia in People with Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review and Standardised Evaluation

Informant-based Assessment Instruments for Dementia in People with Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review and Standardised Evaluation

Journal Article

NADD Bulletin article on NTG-EDSD

NADD Bulletin article on NTG-EDSD

Journal article

NTG-EDSD - Book Chapter

NTG-EDSD - Book Chapter

Book chapter

Physician's Quick Guide for Using the NTG-EDSD

Physician's Quick Guide for Using the NTG-EDSD

Resource document

Practical applications of the NTG-EDSD for screening adults with intellectual disability for dementia: A German-language version feasibility study 

Practical applications of the NTG-EDSD for screening adults with intellectual disability for dementia: A German-language version feasibility study 

Journal article

Screening for Dementia in Persons with an Intellectual Developmental Disability

Screening for Dementia in Persons with an Intellectual Developmental Disability

Resource document

Screening for dementia among adults with intellectual disability: Outcomes from a pilot study

Screening for dementia among adults with intellectual disability: Outcomes from a pilot study

Journal article

The Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium‐Down Syndrome: Rationale and methodology

The Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium‐Down Syndrome: Rationale and methodology

Journal article

Training professional caregivers to screen for report of cognitive changes in persons with intellectual disability

Training professional caregivers to screen for report of cognitive changes in persons with intellectual disability

Journal Article

Usefulness of the NTG-EDSD: Evaluating the Validity of a Screening Tool for Dementia in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

Usefulness of the NTG-EDSD: Evaluating the Validity of a Screening Tool for Dementia in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities


Validation of a German version of the dementia screening questionnaire for individuals with intellectual disabilities (DSQIID-G) in Down's syndrome

Validation of a German version of the dementia screening questionnaire for individuals with intellectual disabilities (DSQIID-G) in Down's syndrome

Journal article

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