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Applied Research & Clinical Health Committee

Committee Chairs

Lucille Esralew, Ph,D,

Kathryn P. Service, FNP-BC, RN

Our Mission

To provide the NTG with the most informed scientific and clinical advice and consultation by experts from the international intellectual disability and dementia community.

Our next scheduled meeting:

  Monday, May 8, 2023  19:00 / 7:00pm  ET (USA)

News from the ARCH

Dr. Lucy Esralew and Kathy Service, NTG Board members, are excited to announce the formation of a new committee within the NTG which combines the previous work of the Scientific Research and Consultative Panel and the Clinical Health Subcommittee. This new committee has been named the ARCH -- the Applied Research and Clinical Health committee. The e creation of ARCH will help us advance NTG’s mission in ways that are more closely aligned with the goals of NTG’s Strategic Plan.

The inaugural ARCH organizational meeting will be held on Monday, May 8th at 7 pm EST during which we will discuss our format for creating a learning community in which we can exchange information, research, and clinical activity and deepen our understanding of areas relevant to our clinical practices with individuals with intellectual disability and diagnosed or suspected dementia.

The agenda will include discussion about number of topics that we would like to expand upon over the months to come:

·        Neurocognitive disorders among individuals with non-Down syndrome neurodevelopmental disorders

·        Understanding the incidence, pathophysiology, and trajectory of non-Alzheimer’s neurocognitive disorders among

            individuals with intellectual disability as multi-infarct dementia, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia,

            and Parkinson’s dementia.

·        Healthy brain aging for individuals with intellectual disability

·        Possible projects/products that may come from our discussions


Here is the Zoom link for the May 8th ARCH meeting

Topic: ARCH Meeting
Time: May 8, 2023 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 879 0809 3103
Passcode: 705793
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