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COVID-19 and Intellectual Disability

The impact of COVID-19 has been profound, and its presence poses a particular risk for people with intellectual disability – especially for those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or with other causes of dementia.  The NTG is invested to provide information on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting adults with intellectual disability and dementia and their families and caregivers. 

We provide access to the latest version of the Q and A on Down syndrome and COVID-19 and access to a range of COVID-19 related publications and resources.

Visit the CDC Toolkit for People with Disabilities for their latest updates.

NIA Cold, Flu, or COVID-19 Infographic


The National Institute on Aging has produced this useful chart that helps decide if your malaise is a Cold, the Flu, or COVID-19? For more information, click on National Institute on Aging (

Image-comp flu_COVID.png

COVID-19 and Down Syndrome

COVID-19 & Down Syndrome Resource

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the NTG Helped Issue the 'Updated Resource on COVID-19 and Down Syndrome'

While the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States was continuing, the NTG joined with several Down syndrome national organizations to produce and issue an updated resource on COVID-19 and Down syndrome.

The resource provided information on COVID-19 and its variants, testing, vaccinations, and wellness for families and others concerned with the impact of COVID-19 upon persons of all ages with Down syndrome.  It is anticipated this Resource may still be helpful when a loved one is affected by one of virus' variants.

Cover of English version

English Resource: version 11.16.2021

Cover of Spanish version

Spanish version 3.1.2021

COVID-19 and ID Resources


COVID-19 and ID Bibliographies

The NTG along with the HealthMatters Program's Healthy Brain Initiative at the University of Illinois Chicago maintained two working bibliographies of journal articles and other print and web resources

specifically addressing COVID-19 and intellectual disability. Both focussed on social and behavioral science research and commentary, as well as epidemiology and clinical practice.  The bibliographies are still available for resourcing.

In the first bibliography, publications and print/web resources included range from early 2020 to current time and represent the product of extensive searches from the Internet. The bibliography also contains a limited number of press articles and stories. The sources are from English and other language publications. When the resources omitted abstracts, selective text was abstracted to provide a general precis of the content. This first bibliography contains useful historical and evolutionary information and is updated periodically.

The second bibliography covered articles and other matter related to Long-COVID.  See below.

COVID-19 and Intellectual Disabilities Bibliography
COVID-19 and Intellectual Disabilities Bibliography

As of:


Long-COVID Bibliography: This bibliography is a working document that contains select general population publications related to Long-COVID with possible implications for intellectual disability.  As we emerged from the pandemic there was a dearth of publications related specifically to Long-COVID and its effects on adults with intellectual disability. Findings from studies noting long-term effects in the general population apply equally to adults with intellectual disability. As new studies emerge, they are added to updated versions of this bibliography.

Long-COVID and Intellectual Disability Bibliography
Long-COVID and Intellectual Disability Bibliography

As of:



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Hospital Visitation Rights

Hosp Visit

In March 2020, Dr. Seth Keller, the co-chair of the NTG, began a national campaign to address a significant problem that emanated from the national emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Working with several colleagues and national organizations, he organized a campaign and arrived at a consensus-driven Statement issued by the American Academy on Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD).  Backed by the NTG, the campaign gained traction and spread nationally.  A number of states adopted policies easing visitation proscriptions and finally open access was adopted nationally.

At issue were restrictive policies established or enforced by hospitals dealing with patients with COVID-19 infection, which prohibited family members, significant others, or agency care personnel to be present in the same room as the hospitalized person with an intellectual disability.

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